His incredible telepathic demonstrations have made him a rising star. You’ve seen him melting William Shatner’s mind on the Discovery Channel’s Weird or What? And he’s the subject of the upcoming documentary, Project Viola Ten. Meet Edward James Dean – the world’s only Doctor of Telepathy.*
As the mastermind behind Project Viola Ten, he’s passed every test scientists have thrown at him. His research has gotten the attention of the academic and the entertainment worlds, as well as a handful of governments. In spite of all this, or perhaps because of it, Eddie Dean prefers to call himself a motivational speaker, a fitness guru, a communications consultant, or just a Rock Star.**
In this outrageous and award winning one-man show, Eddie Dean does what Eddie Dean does best: Reminisces about destroying a laboratory during Project Viola Ten. Recounts stories about famous people. Promotes his pulp telepathy novel, It’s the Thought that Kills. And gives the most convincing – and dangerous! – demonstrations of telepathy ever given anywhere. Ever.
Is he telepathic? Or just a damn good cheat? You be the judge.***
* Not officially a Doctor yet.****
** This show is rated “R” for Rock Star.
*** This show is 100% family friendly.
**** Now, officially a Doctor.